Science Tools Corporation
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Product Data Sheets & Standard Product Descriptions

Our Standard Product Descriptions (SPDs) are very specific descriptions of our standard technical products. They specify requirements, list specifications, cite limitations and give ordering information. Depending on the product, these don't so much tell you what the product can do as describe the environment they run in, that they create and related information. As such, they're long.

In contrast, the Data Sheets are much shorter and less technical descriptions of our products.

The BigSur System™:

  • Other Products:

  • SPD 3.6 Subscription Support Services - Our Subscription Services offer a client reduced rate technical support on a variety of technological products, primarily the Postgres Database System (PostgreSql), and our own BigSur System.
  • SPD Database Health Report - This Product pertains primarily to the Postgres Database System (PostgreSql).

Brochures or Product Glossies

  • Introducing The BigSur System™ (PDF)
  • Introducing the Science Tools Demand Processing System (PDF)

    Ok, you have read about the company and the technology, but you still don't quite have a handle on what we do.
    Perhaps these diagrams will help:

  • A diagram of a Distributed Processing System (DPS) Collaboration Example
  • A diagram of the Science Tools Client Architecture


Data Sheets on various Products


Computational Unification of Science

The Business of Connecting Researchers Throughout Or World

Just as specks of light appear around Our world - So must Or Collaborations

Computational Unification of Science
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Older Announcements

    December 7, 2002

      Science Tools Corporation Announces The Angus Award (PDF) (HTML)

      Science Tools Corporation Charts Road Ahead for Computational Unification of Science (PDF) (HTML)


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