Science Tools Corporation
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Service Offerings

Senior Executive
Technical Pundit

Database Design
Data Mining
System Architecture
User Interface Design
Application Development
Team Management & Team Development
Data Ingest

Bioinformatics & Earth Sciences
Systems Architecture and Design
Database Administration
Application Development

Science and Research Systems Integration
Enterprise System Applications
Mission-Critical Applications
Team Building
Startup Services

On-Site Consulting
Subscription Consulting & Support Services
Part-Time Database Administration
Emergency Services

Proactive Monitoring and Performance Tuning

Where we're coming from when it comes to Computing Services

Since 1997, Science Tools Corporation has served the computing market place with technical excellence in both products and services. Our first service offerings were focused on helping customers who had licensed our software, however, almost immediately, we found ourselves asked for assistance beyond the scientific to the wider computing community. As our founder and many of our staff have come from the senior ranks of the broader computing community, we know how superior consulting and support services are delivered, and we have the superior skills that our customers expect of us. We have brought this knowledge and these skills to bear in providing solutions and support to the wider computing community.

Because highly technical people tend to gravitate toward others with technical excellence, our service-only customers tend to be highly technical themselves, very often coming from the non-Scientific quarters of other high-tech industries. This diversity benefits all our customers as it gives us exposure to a very wide variety of systems architectures and solutions - and ultimately a wide intellectual base of ideas for realizing highly performant, high-availability computing.

Overview of Services Offered

First, let's cover the basic types of Services we offer - we'll cover the various technological domains further below.

  • On-Site Delivery: On-Site services are the most flexible and tends to yield the most knowledge transfer, and this is sometimes very important in terms of our learning about your needs, issues, and problems.
  • Remote Delivery: Remote delivery of services are often less expensive and more flexible because they do not involve the travel time and extra expenses sometimes required for on-site delivery.
  • Subscription Services: Our customers can enjoy reduced expenses by chosing a montly or quarterly subscription option, and the service plan hours purchased in one period roll-over to the next. This is the perfect choice when budgets are particularly tight.
  • RemoteDBA: This service is ideal for customers who don't have a full-time database administrator but want the benefits of having someone knowledgeable fill that role on an occasional basis.
  • Database Health Check: Database Health Check is a service sold as a Standard Product. Customers have two data-collection period options to better tailor this to their installation's needs. This product is a great choice for customers who have a site that they'd like to get a professional opionion about, just like a medical check-up. The primary deliverable of this product is a report on the health of your database installation.
  • Emergency Services: We're here 24X7 to support your operations, and offer various service levels to accommodate your specific needs.

In addition to these basic forms of consulting interoperability, high-performance computing/grid, automation, or just tracking your scientific objects and the processes that operate against them, Science Tools has the scientific computing infrastructure you need. When submitting grant proposals, don't forget IT in your proposal budgets!

Don't Re-Invent The Wheel: Whether it's collaboration, interoperability, high-performance computing/grid, automation, or just tracking your scientific objects and the processes that operate against them, Science Tools has the scientific computing infrastructure you need. Don't forget IT in your proposal budgets! We'll collaborate with you on your next one.

The World's ONLY Turn-Key Grid System can have you super-computing in a single afternoon! Why Wait? Over ten years of development, and seven years of production service at NASA facilities; Science Tools' BigSur System is ready Today to help with your collaborations, interoperability, and high-performance computing needs.

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