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Press Release :
The Angus Award

Science Tools Press Release


Science Tools Corporation Announces The Angus Award

OAKLAND, CA, December, 7, 2002 - Science Tools Corporation today announced its creation of The Angus Award in direct response to news reports of discussions in the Scientific Community following this years Nobel Prize awards. Science Tools recognized that throughout the world there are a great many individuals who have dedicated their life's work to Science and are rarely recognized for their contributions as there are simply too few venues for recognition. In offering these awards, Science Tools aims to help put a spot-light on more deserving individuals and their contributions.

Howard C. Foster Ph.D., Research Specialist, UC Center for Environmental Design Research, University of California, Berkeley, was chosen as the first recipient of The Angus Award, and details can be found here:

Science Tools is soliciting nominations for future awards, to be awarded quarterly. Nominations may be made and further information obtained here:

Headquartered in Oakland, CA, Science Tools is a leading provider of software for researchers and research centers to manage science and the scientific enterprise. Science Tools also offers innovative technologies for interdisciplinary research, super-computing clusters, archiving, database-vendor independent SQL access, Java security and other enterprise-critical functions. For more information about Science Tools Corporation, please visit our Web site at

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Richard M. Troy
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Executive Vice President

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