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(Page captured for historical reasons, links may have been changed by original author.)


  1. Introduction
  2. Background Documents
  3. Candidate Systems
  4. Evaluation Process
  5. How You Can Participate
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1. Introduction

During the summer of 1999 the Federation Interoperability Working Group (FIG) will select a system or systems upon which the first version of the Federation's System Wide Interface Layer (SWIL) will be built. By consensus of the FIG and the Federation Committee of the Whole, this first version of the SWIL will address only catalog (metadata) interoperabilty.

Candidate systems will be evaluated by a team comprised of FIG members without any vested interests in any of the candidate systems. This evaluation team will present its recommendations to a FIG workshop at UCLA at the end of August.

Evaluation team members, as well as any Federation members who wish to follow this activity, should familiarize themselves with the materials on this site.

2. Background Documents

The FIG's current status and milestones, as well as the criteria and rationale for a catalog-level SWIL, may be found in the following documents. The documents whose titles are given in boldface are particularly relevant to the current SWIL activity.
date format title
1999-05-13 [HTML] [PDF] [PowerPoint] FIG Status Report
1999-05-13 [HTML] [PDF] [PowerPoint] System Concept Evaluation Criteria
1999-05-27 [HTML] [PDF] [Word] Evaluation and Recommendation of Catalog Interoperability Options for the ESIP Federation
1999-07-13 [HTML] [PDF] [PowerPoint] WP-ESIP Federation Interoperability

3. Candidate System Descriptions (Unfortunately the following documents have been deleted from their original source location at so we point you to other sources for information.)

The following systems have been submitted to the FIG as candidates for (part of) a catalog-level SWIL.
format system
[PDF] [text] GCMD (Global Change Master Directory)
[PDF] [RTF] Mercury
[PDF] [PostScript] MOCHA (Middleware Based On A Code SHipping Architecture)
The following system descriptions were not formally submitted to the FIG as SWIL candidates, but are made available here for informational purposes.
[PDF] [RTF] BigSur

NB: The documents linked above may have been modified by Frew as follows: page numbers added; converted to PDF; RTF substituted for DOC format (where feasible). Any errors thus introduced are Frew's fault.

4. Evaluation Process

Between now and 30 Aug 1999, the candidate systems will be evaluated by the following team:

  • James Frew
  • Tarek El-Ghazawi
  • Yonsook Enloe
  • Jim Gallagher
  • Silvia Nittel
At the next FIG workshop (30 Aug - 01 Sep at UCLA), the evaluation team will present its recommendation(s) to the FIG. The FIG will accept or modify these recommendations, and generate an implementation plan for a catalog-level SWIL. Candidate systems that the FIG deems eligible for financial support under this plan will be referred to Federation Appropriations Committee.

5. How You Can Participate

All Federation members are welcome to comment on any aspect of this process. You can email your comments to the entire FIG (, or to individual members of the evaluation team. Each ESIP is also encouraged to send a representative to the FIG Workshop at UCLA.

Finally, if you wish to propose a candidate system in addition to the ones listed above, send your description to Frew ( IMMEDIATELY!

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